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Wraparound care

Contact number for Natterjacks Wrap Around care: 01684 574889 ext 2016 or option 3. This dedicated line is open from 7:45am to 8:30am and 3:15am to 6pm each school day.

We run wraparound care from 7:45am- 6pm during the term time only.


We have a dedicated room from which the activities are based and full access to the whole school facilities including the playgrounds, school field and forest school - all of which are regularly accessed durinng After School Club.


Our wraparound facility is managed and run by Teaching Assistants who work in the school during the day and we pride ourselves on their strong relationships with both the children and their families.

Natterjacks Breakfast Club runs from 7:45am- 8:45am and offers a choice of healthy breakfast options. The children eat breakfast together giving them the opportunity to talk to one another in an informal way and prepare themselves for the day. Breakfast is followed by a selection of activities including one to one reading and games.


During this session children have access to the Natterjacks library and Times Table Rockstars on the computers.

Natterjacks Breakfast Club Team

Natterjacks After-School Club runs from 3.15 until 6pm. Children can be booked in for one hour, two hours or the full session. The children are provided with a number of activities to choose from including traditional games, sports, forest school, IT, craft and cooking. There is also a quiet area for children to relax as well as the opporunity for them to read and complete homework. Activities on offer are themed and change on a weekly basis incorporating the children's interests.


Our Afterschool club is very popular and we would encourage you to contact Mr Smith, who leads Natterjacks wraparound, if you would like any further information or to make a booking via email at . 


Our booking form is available to download below.

Natterjacks Afterschool Club Team

Costs of Natterjacks Wrap Around Care




 SessionsSchool-age childrenNursery-age children
Breakfast Club:

7:45am - 8:45am

After School Club:  

3:15pm - 4:15pm


3:15pm - 5:15pm


3:15pm - 6:00pm



Late arrivals: Charge for collecting pupils later than agreed

£6 for the first 15 minutes

£12 thereafter for up to 30 minutes


Northleigh Primary School is a cashless school and uses ParentPay, an online payment system, for all parents/carers to use.  We ask for payment to be made within 7 days.


May we advise that non-payment or persistent late payment may result in your allocated wraparound place being removed.


We fully understand that changes are sometimes necessary and we respectfully request that you give us one month's notice of any changes that are required to your child's provision.  Spaces for provision are limited but we will endeavour to accommodate extra sessions whenever possible.  Please email with any changes to requirements.  Invoices are calculated monthly in advance, and staffing provision is allocated accordingly. 


Extra-curricular clubs

If your child attends extra-curricular clubs during the school year, their place in after-school wrap around care can only be kept with full payment for the hour to hold the space. Unfortunately we are not able to give Extra-curricular club discounts due to the demand for spaces.



We provide fruit and a drink for all children, however if your child is staying in after-school wrap around past 4:15, we recommend that they bring along a small snack to keep them going. 

Contact form for Northleigh Natterjacks Wrap Around care

Excting Activities at Natterjacks follow us on Twitter @NPSNatterjacks