Church Values and Collective Worship
Be Brave. Be Strong. Be Fearless.
You are never alone.
Joshua 1:9
As a result of the trusting relationships between all members of the school community and embedded Christian Values in every aspect of our practise, children at Northleigh grow into respectful, well behaved and compassionate young people who have an understanding and respect for diversity and difference together with a motivation to help others in their community and beyond.
Our Church school serves all the community. We include everyone – those of faith and those with a preference for none.
Our RE curriculum includes teaching of all faiths in order to develop deep routes of knowledge for our children and low walls of resistance. We respect difference but open the door wider to Christian teaching.
Our Values
Following consulation with our school community we have identified six core Christian values which underpin our curriculum, support the development of our crucial characteristics within our children and form the basis of our school vision. Our values are:
Autumn 1 - Respect
Autumn 2 - Justice
Spring 1 - Hope
Spring 2 - Forgiveness
Summer 1 - Trust
Summer 2 - Compassion
Each value forms the focus of our collective worship for the half term, we link our values to bible stories, hymns and individuals who demonstrate the value in order to deepen our understanding of them and reflect on how as individuals and a community we can affect our own behaviours to embody them.
Collective Worship Ambassadors
Our Collective Worship Ambassadors have a very important job in our school. Their responsibilities include:
1) Preparing for weekly worship
2) Plan and lead Church services which are held three times a year at St Peter's, The Ascension and St Matthias church three times a year
3) Planning, leading and evaluating Collective Worship
4) Working with the wider school to promote our school values
Our Church Links
We have close links with our local Church St Peters which is right next door to school. We are able to access the church for many services and activities including Godly play, Harvest Festival, Christmas, Easter and Leavers services.
As part of the Cowleigh Parish we are also lucky enough to have access to The Church of the Ascension and St Matthias Church.