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Please take a moment to look through our School Policies below, which are available for download.


Other School Policies can be found in the relevant sections of the school website.

Northleigh Accessibility Plan

Northleigh Anti-Bullying Policy

Northleigh Behaviour Policy

Northleigh Child-on-Child Policy

Northleigh EYFS Policy

Northleigh Mobile Phone Policy

Northleigh Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy 2024-2025 Policy

Northleigh (PSED) Equalities Objectives

Northleigh Governors' Statement of Behaviour

Northleigh Home Learning Policy

Northleigh Home School Agreement

Northleigh Medical Conditions Policy

Northleigh Online Safety Policy

Northleigh Phonics Policy

Northleigh Pupil Premium Policy

Northleigh Relationships and Sex Education Policy

Northleigh School Security Policy

Northleigh Walking To and From School Alone Policy

If you would like a paper copy of any of our school policies these can be requested, free of charge, from the school office.

The following policies are produced centrally by MET Academies and can be accessed on the link below

Complaints Policy

Charging and Remissions Policy

Equalities Policy

Accessibility Policy

Freedom of information policy

Admissions Policy for all schools in MET 

Appeals process information - April 20



For information relating to GDPR, how we hold your information and how to request to see this information, please refer to the MET website