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Late/Absence Procedures

Sickness absence and late procedures


If your child is absent from school due to illness, please contact the school office by 9am on 01684 574889, using the following email address or by using the contact form below.


Registration closes at 9:00am.


If your child arrives at school after the time allocated for their class, please bring them through the school office, where they will be signed in.



Report your child's absence

Please include your child's name and class and the reason for their absence. Thank you.

Attendance and lateness


If a child arrives at school after 9:30am due to lateness, their attendance for that session will be marked as unauthorised; if before 9:30 but after the register closed, it will be marked as late.


Attendance, including lateness, is monitored by our attendance officer, who will inform parents in writing if a pattern of lateness is observed.


In cases of persistent absence or lateness, our Educational Welfare Officer (EWO) will be involved,


Term time holidays

For children of compulsory school age, term time holiday will not be permitted except in exceptional circumstance. Permission should be sought using a holiday request form, which is available from the school office.


Please note, you may be fined for taking your child on holiday during term time without permission Currently, this fine stands at £60 per child, per parent. Therefore, a two parent family, taking two children on holiday during term time could be issued with a  fine for £240.