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Class 5 - Mrs Perry & Mr Bothma


This is where you will find all the information you need to know about what we will be doing in Year 5 each term. There are lots of things to look forward to.

We shall be brave, strong and fearless as we are stretched and challenged in our learning, enjoy an exciting curriculum, interact with visitors to the classroom and visit new places outside of school.



Year 5 Padlet

Follow the link or the QR code to add your own reviews and recommendations.

Year 5 riveting reads! (



Key Information

  • Homework is set on Fridays and will need to be handed in the following Thursday.
  • PE is on Monday and Wednesday afternoons - PE kit should always be kept in school.
  • Class 5 will swim in the Summer term.



Each week, your child is asked to:

  • Read every day. Class teachers and LSAs will sign the reading diaries once a week.
  • Complete a topic homework task of their choice from the sheet sent out at the start of each half term. One piece of homework needs to be handed in each Friday for marking. 
  • Complete 3-minutes of Times Table Rock Stars daily. We have asked the children to practice using 'Garage' or 'Soundcheck'. 
  • Practice Maths key instant recall facts (KIRFs) in homework books - in Spring this is:

    Identifying prime numbers up to 20 and recalling square numbers up to 144 and their square roots. 


Meet the team

Helpful resources

Autumn Term 1

Autumn Term 2

Spring Term 1