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Class 4 - Miss Armstrong

Welcome to Class 4!


On this page you will find everything you need to know about Class 4.

Please keep checking the page as it will be updated regularly with relevant information.

We are looking forward to working with all our children this year.


Don't forget to follow our school Instagram (@Northleighprimary) to see what we get up to this year!


Key Information

  • Homework:
    • Set on Fridays
    • Due on Thursdays
    • Children will need to:
      1. read daily
      2. practice times table rock stars for 3 minutes a day (21 minutes weekly)
      3. complete a History/ Geography themed task weekly
      4. practice key recall facts for maths
  • PE
    • On Monday and Friday afternoons
    • Class 4 will swim in Spring term
  • Freckle
    • Visits us on Tuesdays! The children can bring Freckle a healthy snack to give her on our day.
  • Ukulele 

Meet the team

Key Dates:

  • 19/09/24 - Ashmolean Museum Visit
  • 20/09/24 - First ukulele lesson
  • 24/09/24 - Harvest Festival
  • 17/10/24 - School Photos
  • 22/10/24 & 23/10/24 - Parent Consultations 
  • 25/10/24 - Flu Vaccinations
  • 13/12/24 - Last ukulele lesson
  • 17/12/24 - Christmas Carol concert (2-3pm)
  • 20/12/24 - Christmas party day