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Class 4 - Miss Armstrong

Welcome to Class 4!


Hello and welcome to the Class 4 page.


On this page you will find everything you need to know about Class 4 from timetables to knowledge organisers. Please keep checking the page as it will be updated regularly with relevant information. We are looking forward to working with all our children this year.


Don't forget to follow our Class Instagram (@NPSMissArmstrong) to see what we get up to this year!


Key Information

  • Homework is set on Fridays and will need to be handed in the following Thursday.
  • PE is on Fridays (except for swimming in Spring Term which is on Mondays) - PE kit should always be kept in school.


Meet the team


Homework will be set on Fridays and will be due on Thursdays for marking.


Each week, your child is asked to:

  • Read every day. Class teachers will sign the reading diaries once a week.
  • Complete a topic homework task of their choice from the sheet sent out at the start of each half term. One piece of homework needs to be handed in each Thursday for marking. 
  • Complete 3-minutes of Times Table Rock Stars daily. We have asked the children to practice using 'Garage' or 'Soundcheck'. 


Thank you.