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Eco Council

As a school community, we have high expectations of ourselves to become 'change-makers' and are thinking more broadly than just improving our school environment/provision. We are developing our attitudes and behaviours so that we can be brave, strong and fearless in our local community and the wider world and really make a difference. We have started this term with a specific focus on improving the environment through Eco focussed initiatives as part of our Active Citizenship Awards scheme for First News. We have linked up with Malvern Hills District Council who have supported us in sponsoring St Peter's Road so that we can be Wombles and keep it neat and tidy.


We are working with the schools in our Trust to promote sustainability with the children championing ideas that can be developed together.


Our Class Representatives

Congratulations to our class representatives who have been elected by their classmates for the role. 

2Harrison and Isabel
3Thomas and Wren
4Gabe and Molly
5Toby and Kayla