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Each week, please complete

  • Daily reading
  • Times tables practice
  • Topic task of choice from the grid


  • Try to practice the KIRFs as these are maths facts we would want the children to be confident with.
  • Try to practice statutory spellings as these are words we would expect them to spell accurately by the end of Year 4


When the children learn ukulele, is a free and useful website to support their practice at home. 


Times Tables

In the Summer 2 term, all year 4 children are expected to participate in the nationwide Multiplication Tables Check (MTC).

During the MTC, the children will have to answer 25 random times tables (up to 12x12). They have 6 seconds to answer each question, with a 3 second interval between them. 

There is no official pass score for the government MTC, but we would be aiming for the children to achieve a minimum of 17, ideally at least 20 out of 25.

Being fluent with times table facts really supports the children in other areas of the mathematics curriculum.


  • Each week, your child should play a total of 21 minutes of Times Table Rock Stars (TTRS). This is one 3-minute game of garage daily. 
  • Soundcheck on TTRS has a similar structure to the MTC format, it may be helpful for your child to practice this more as they progress through year 4 to prepare for the MTC. 


In addition to TTRS, it would be really helpful for all year 4 children to practice as much as possible! 

What can we do to practice at home?

  • YouTube/ BBC Bitesize has lots of songs which may help them recall times table facts
  • Recall the multiplication facts when you have some spare time (in the car, walking the dog, cooking dinner).
  • Ask your child random times tables throughout the day.
  • They could do a time challenge with a 12 x 12 grid – perhaps you could see if they can they beat you!
  • Times Table Rock Stars (Garage – daily if possible, Sound check is similar to the MTC)
  • Hit the Button game ( – click the blue image to access the game)
  • Make it physical:
    • Play hot potato, they can only throw (or kick) the ball/ beanbag back once they answer the times table question
    • Hopscotch through the tables – with each jump they should call out the next multiple (challenge: can they do it backwards)
  • Here is an online game similar to the MTC:
  • Use dice or playing cards to randomly generate the times table questions – maybe they could create their own fun card game!